


Grande Bretagne



Mc Laren




vendredi 27 juillet 2012

De nouveaux partenaires pour le programme NG Connect

J'ai déjà eu l'occasion de parler sur ce blog du programme ng connect mis en place par Alcatel Lucent. Il s'agit d'un programme collaboratif autour de la 4G pour apporter des applications à bord du véhicule et à la maison. On compte aujourd'hui 65 partenaires dont Samsung, QNX, Nuance, Kyocera et les français Gemalto et Total Immersion. La liste s'est enrichie de trois noms prestigieux avec Harman, Intel et l'Agence France Presse.
L'arrivée de Harman est importante pour le secteur automobile, car cet acteur majeur de l'audio et du multimédia (Harman Kardon, Infinity, JBL, Mark Levinson) va pouvoir ainsi développer des terminaux connectés, en liaison avec des fournisseurs de contenus. L'objectif du programme ng connect, avec l'aide de ses partenaires, est de proposer aux consommateurs de retrouver les mêmes contenus en voiture et à la maison, grâce à l'Internet mobile à haut débit.

Avertinoo passe à Android

Après l'iPhone (et l'iPad), le spécialiste des zones dangereuses lance une version Android de son application.
Comme sur l'App Store d'Apple, elle est proposée à 4,99 € sans abonnement.
Avertinoo, qui revendique une communauté de 700.000 conducteurs, se repose sur ses utilisateurs pour faire remonter en temps réel les infos utiles pour faire la route en toute quiétude : zones de danger, perturbations routières, limitations de vitesse...

L'île d'Yeu se projette en 2030 et dans l'éco mobilité

Ce jeudi, je vais animer une table ronde pour la municipalité de l'île d'Yeu. De 11h à 12h30 sur le port (quai Martin) et en direct sur la radio locale Neptune FM (, en présence de nombreux invités*, nous allons parler de mobilités. Pourquoi ? Tout simplement parce que l'île vient de lancer une expérimentation, en partenariat avec le CEA (Commissariat à l'Energie Atomique) et le groupe Mobivia (en particulier son enseigne Altermove dédiée à la mobilité). Le test consiste à proposer une quarantaine de modèles à énergie électrique (vélos à assistance, scooters et voitures) en location (avec le concours d'un loueur local), pendant la saison estivale. L'île d'Yeu, qui compte 5000 habitants à l'année, voit sa population très fortement augmenter et la mobilité électrique, avec des véhicules partagés, peut être l'occasion de résoudre les problèmes de déplacement.

Mais, cette expérimentation ne va pas s'arrêter là. L'île d'Yeu, qui a déjà servi de terre d'expérimentation dans le passé, et qui a la chance de compter quelques VIP dans les résidences secondaires, a un projet ambitieux pour le futur. Baptisé "île d'Yeu 2030", le projet vise à concrétiser la mobilité électrique. La municipalité, qui a fait l'acquisition de 3 exemplaires de la Think City, se donne des objectifs : 10 % du parc de l'île en véhicules électriques en 2014, 20% en 2020 et 30 % en 2030. Venturi et Veléance sont associés au projet, tout comme DBT pour les bornes. Parallèlement, l'île d'Yeu veut encourager les autres formes de déplacement, que ce soit le véhicule partagé, le vélo et le bus. Les smartphones joueront un rôle dans le choix du mode de transport.
Ce que je trouve intéressant, c'est l'approche globale. L'île d'Yeu souhaite mettre l'accent sur les énergies renouvelables (éolien, solaires, énergies marines) pour assurer son indépendance énergétique, mettre en place des smart grids pour piloter intelligemment la recharge et la consommation électrique et explorer d'autres voies comme la pile à combustible. Tout cela, conjugué au tout numérique (Internet par fibre optique, tablettes tactiles pour personnes dépendantes, formation en 3D, réalité augmentée) peut faire de l'île d'Yeu une vitrine du savoir-faire français.

Ecouter le podcast :

*Bruno Noury, maire de l’île d’Yeu
Bernard Perrin, conseiller général
Jacques Auxiette, Président de la région Pays de la Loire
Eric Lemaitre, CEA (Direction de la recherche technologique), Responsable Grands Comptes et relations institutionnelles
Christian Contzen Conseiller scientifique auprès de la DRT au CEA
Thibaut Derville, directeur de Betterway
Olivier Lourdel, directeur d’Altermove
Patrick Villalon, SYDEV
Joelle Kergreiss, Ademe

Audi City : un show room virtuel pour accompagner les services de demain

Au même moment que BMW, qui ouvre un BMW i Store pour y présenter ses véhicules électriques, la marque aux anneaux lance à Londres un nouveau show room virtuel qui a pour nom Audi City. La proximité des Jeux Olympiques n'est évidemment pas un hasard. Etabli sur Piccadilly Circus, ce nouveau concept urbain va aider au lancement des futurs modèles e-tron et de leurs services de mobilité.

L’intérêt de ce show room est de pouvoir présenter la gamme d’une façon inédite. Grâce à des écrans à l’échelle 1, le client pourra découvrir le modèle désiré sous toutes les coutures, du groupe motopropulseur à la carrosserie, en passant par les innovations à bord.
L’idée est aussi de faire d’Audi City un "one stop shopping" : le point de contact unique où le client sera reçu, à la fois pour l’achat du véhicule, la souscription de services liés à la mobilité et l’après-vente de façon personnalisée. Il va de soi que l’entretien sera ensuite réalisé dans un garage Audi classique à proximité. Tout comme BMW i, Audi considère que la vente de véhicules électriques nécessite d’instaurer un autre type de relation avec la clientèle. On y parlera autant de services que de véhicules. Les centres Audi City proposeront par ailleurs des conférences sur des thèmes comme la mobilité et le développement durable, ou encore le design et l’art.
La marque aux anneaux prévoit l’ouverture d’une vingtaine de centres dans le monde d’ci 2015, au coeur de grandes villes internationales.

Une 'tite vidéo de fan pour la route et une brève.

Fou ce qu'un cab Saab peut donner un sentiment de liberté! Cette petite vidéo pour commencer la journée. On voit pas beaucoup le modèle conduit, mais vous devinerez qu'il s'agit d'une 9-3 cab, série 2004-2007. Les experts me corrigeront au besoin.

Un membre du Saab Sport Club vient juste de passer commande d'une 9-3 Griffin Cabriolet neuve (jet black) après avoir acquis d'abord une occasion fin 2009...

Si tout le monde avait les mêmes c... que lui, c'est 30 000 commandes dans les cartons à Trollhättan qu'il y aurait et non ""seulement"" 12 000! Votre distributeur a besoin de vous. A défaut d'une Saab de son parc d'occasions garanties, une visite avec une bonne bouteille ne lui fera pas de mal! -;)

Une étude très optimiste d'EurotaxGlass sur les énergies alternatives

Selon une étude publiée par EurotaxGlass, la part de marché de la voiture électrique* sera comprise entre 9 et 13 % en Europe en 2020 (soit, entre 1 et 1,6 million de véhicules). Bigre... L'adoption d'énergies alternatives serait donc plus rapide que prévu, en particulier en Grande-Bretagne et en France, si l'on se réfère à ce document "new alternative powertrain study" dont on peut lire une synthèse (en anglais) en suivant ce lien : Qu'est-ce qui justifie un tel optimisme ? Selon EurotaxGlass, qui a mené l'étude avec BDW Automotive dans 5 pays**, le contexte réglementaire (130 g de CO2 par km en 2012, 95 g en 2020) et les aides fiscales (dont le bonus de 5000 € en France et dans plusieurs pays), conjugués à des packages innovants autour du véhicule et de la batterie pourraient convaincre les automobilistes de passer plus vite à l'électrique.


L'argument clé serait le TCO (Total Cost of Ownership), autrement dit le coût de revient global du véhicule : un élément bien connu des entreprises pour les flottes mais que les particuliers ignorent.
Ce dernier point est stratégique. D'une façon évidente, l'entretien sera considérablement réduit par rapport à un modèle thermique, dans la mesure où - en dehors des pneus et des pièces d'usure classiques - il n'y a pas d'éléments mécaniques. Ensuite, les solutions qui seront proposées pour louer les batteries et les garantir vont influer sur le modèle économique. Ainsi, on sait que Renault va louer ses batteries pour un loyer mensuel de 100 Euros et va les garantir sur plusieurs années (jusqu'à 5 ans a priori, croit savoir Le Figaro). Ce beau tableau ne cache pas toutefois que la valeur résiduelle des véhicules électriques sera moins bonne que pour un véhicule thermique, en raison d'un prix de départ beaucoup plus élevé.
Pourquoi je n'y crois pas : malgré les efforts de certains constructeurs pour baisser les prix (on parle de 15 000 € pour la Zoé alors que la Leaf en coûtera 30 000 !), les Etats ne pourront pas éternellement aider le secteur automobile, surtout en cette période de rigueur où les priorités sont ailleurs. Il faut aussi prendre en compte l'inertie de la clientèle, qui va attendre de voir arriver les véhicules sur le marché et d'avoir les premiers retours de ceux qui essuient les plâtres. Le scénario sera donc sans doute celui d'une adoption graduelle, comme l'étude le prévoit pour l'Espagne et l'Italie (l'Allemagne se situe entre les deux groupes de pays).


Mais au fait, qui est EurotaxGlass ? Cette société est spécialisée dans la fourniture de données (notamment les prix des véhicules neufs et des options, ainsi que le coût des réparations) et de conseils pour l'industrie automobile (intelligence). A-t-elle autorité pour prévoir l'avenir de la voiture électrique ? Pas plus que ceux qui prévoient des lendemains qui chantent... Mais, elle est crédible sur le coût de revient. C'est sur ce point là que les constructeurs vont devoir affiner leur stratégie, au lieu de faire du brouhaha médiatique qui ne sert qu'à brouiller le message.
EurotaxGlass doit présenter la synthèse de cette étude lors d'un déjeuner-débat le 16 septembre prochain à Paris, à l'initiative du site

*C'est la voiture électrique sous toutes ses formes, y compris avec prolongateur d'autonomie.
**France, Allemagne, Italie, Espagne, Grande-Bretagne

Le téléphone Acer Ferrari en exclu chez Afone Mobile

Acer liquid FerrariAcer habille le dernier né de ses portables aux couleurs de la Scuderia (haut parleur rappelant « la prise d’air » des véhicules de compétition, finition Rouge Ferrari, Boutons chromés, etc..). Le Liquid E Ferrari est un mobile 3G+ tactile sous Androïd (version 2.1 « Eclair »). Aussi performant que les bolides italiens, ce Smartphone  offre un accès instantané à l'Internet mobile, ainsi qu'aux dernières mises à jour des sites Ferrari. Ce mobile qui ravira les aficionados d'Alonso est disponible en avant-première chez Afone Mobile, qui le présente sur le site "le mobile du mois" (

Voir la vidéo :

Le Liquide E Ferrari est proposé avec un abonnement à 34,90 € par mois, avec 2 h de communication, Internet et les SMS illimités.
Lien vers Afone Mobile :



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Chrysler Group LLC
TypeLimited liability company
Predecessor(s)Chrysler LLC
DaimlerChrysler AG
Chrysler Corporation
FoundedJune 6, 1925
Founder(s)Walter Chrysler
HeadquartersAuburn Hills, Michigan, U.S.
Number of locationsList of Chrysler factories
Area servedWorldwide
Key peopleSergio Marchionne
(Chairman and CEO) & Fiat CEO
Automotive parts
Revenueincrease US$ 55.0 billion (2011)[1]
Operating incomeincrease US$ 2.0 billion (2011)[1]
Net incomeincrease US$ 183 million (2011)[1]
Total assetsincrease US$ 35.449 billion (2010)[1]
Total equitydecrease US$ -4.489 billion (2010)[1]
Owner(s)Fiat S.p.A. (61.8%)
UAW VEBA (38.2%)
Employees51,623 (December 2010)[1]
Fiat (USA)
Chrysler Group LLC (play /ˈkrslər/) is an American-based, multinational automaker, in global strategic alliance with its majority owner, Italian manufacturer Fiat, since 2009.
Chrysler was first organized as the Chrysler Corporation in 1925.[2] Its core brands which it produces are Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge, Ram, SRT, Fiat, and Mopar vehicles and products. The Company is headquartered in Auburn Hills, Michigan, United States.[3]
On June 10, 2009, Chrysler LLC emerged from a government backed Chapter 11 reorganization as Chrysler Group LLC, in alliance with the Italian automaker Fiat.[4][5] Initially holding a 20% interest in Chrysler Group, Fiat's stake was increased to 58.5% (fully diluted) following acquisition of the equity interests held by the U.S. Treasury (6% on June 3, 2011) and Canada (1.5% on July 21, 2011)[6][7][8][9][10] The stake was further increased to 61.8% in July 2012.[11]



The company was founded by Walter Chrysler (1875–1940) on June 6, 1925,[12][13] when the Maxwell Motor Company (est. 1904) was re-organized into the Chrysler Corporation.[14][15]
Walter Chrysler arrived at the ailing Maxwell-Chalmers company in the early 1920s. He was hired to overhaul the company's troubled operations (after a similar rescue job at the Willys-Overland car company).[16] In late 1923 production of the Chalmers automobile was ended.[17]
In January 1924, Walter Chrysler launched the well-received Chrysler automobile. The Chrysler was a 6-cylinder automobile, designed to provide customers with an advanced, well-engineered car, but at a more affordable price than they might expect. (Elements of this car are traceable to a prototype which had been under development at Willys during Chrysler's tenure).[18] The original 1924 Chrysler included a carburetor air filter, high compression engine, full pressure lubrication, and an oil filter, features absent from most autos at the time.[19][20] Among the innovations in its early years were the first practical mass-produced four-wheel hydraulic brakes, a system nearly completely engineered by Chrysler with patents assigned to Lockheed, and rubber engine mounts to reduce vibration. Chrysler also developed a wheel with a ridged rim, designed to keep a deflated tire from flying off the wheel. This wheel was eventually adopted by the auto industry worldwide.
Following the introduction of the Chrysler, the Maxwell was dropped after its 1925 model year run, although in truth the new line of lower-priced 4-cylinder Chryslers which were then introduced for the 1926 model year were basically Maxwells which had been re-engineered and rebranded.[21] It was during this time period of the early 1920s that Walter Chrysler assumed the presidency of Maxwell, with the company then ultimately incorporated under the Chrysler name.
Following the introduction of the Chrysler, the Maxwell brand was dropped after the 1925 model year. The new, lower-priced four-cylinder Chryslers introduced for the 1926 year were badge-engineered Maxwells.[22] The advanced engineering and testing that went into Chrysler Corporation cars helped to push the company to the second-place position in U.S. sales by 1936, a position it would last hold in 1949.
In 1928, the Chrysler Corporation began dividing its vehicle offerings by price class and function. The Plymouth brand was introduced at the low-priced end of the market (created essentially by once again reworking and rebadging Chrysler's four-cylinder model).[23] At the same time, the DeSoto brand was introduced in the medium-price field. Also in 1928, Chrysler bought the Dodge Brothers[24] automobile and truck company and continued the successful Dodge line of automobiles and Fargo range of trucks. By the mid-1930s, the DeSoto and Dodge divisions would trade places in the corporate hierarchy.
The Imperial name had been used since 1926, but was never a separate make, just the top-of-the-line Chrysler. In 1955, the company decided to spin it off as its own make and division to better compete with its rivals, Lincoln and Cadillac. Imperial would see new body styles introduced every two to three years, all with V8 engines and automatic transmissions, as well as technologies that would filter down to Chrysler corporation's other models. Imperial was folded back into the Chrysler brand in 1973.
The Valiant was also introduced for 1960 as a distinct brand. In the U.S. market, Valiant was made a model in the Plymouth line for 1961 and the DeSoto make was discontinued during 1961. With those exceptions per applicable year and market, Chrysler's range from lowest to highest price from the 1940s through the 1970s was Valiant, Plymouth, Dodge, DeSoto, Chrysler, and Imperial.[25]
Chrysler acquired the Jeep brand as part of the purchase of American Motors (AMC) on August 5, 1987, for somewhere between US$1.7 billion and $2 billion, depending on how costs were counted.[26] Chrysler then established the Jeep/Eagle division, along with the Eagle brand that was discontinued a decade later as part of the DaimlerChrysler merger at that time. In 2001, the Plymouth brand was also discontinued. Currently, Dodge is the full line automobile brand, with the Chrysler brand marketing upscale cars. The Jeep brand focuses on SUVs, while the RAM brand offers small commercial vans and a variety of pick-up trucks.

Corporate governance

Chrysler House landmark executive offices in the Detroit Financial District
  • Sergio Marchionne, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
  • Richard Palmer, Chief Financial Officer
  • Reid Bigland, Dodge brand; U.S. sales chief & President and CEO Chrysler Canada[27]
  • Fred Diaz, Ram brand; Chrysler Mexico/Latin America[27]
  • Olivier Francois, Chrysler brand and marketing
  • Ralph Gilles, Design and SRT brand[27]
  • Michael Manley, Jeep and international sales
  • Pietro Gorlier, Mopar parts and service

Sales and marketing

Domestic sales

It is reported that Chrysler was heavy on fleet sales in 2010, hitting as high as 56 percent of total sales in February of that year. For the whole year, 38 percent of sales of Chrysler were to fleet customers. The industry average was 19 percent. However, the company hopes to reduce its fleet sales to the industry average in 2011 with a renewed product lineup.[29]

Global sales

Chrysler is the smallest of the "Big Three" U.S. automakers (Chrysler Group LLC, Ford Motor Company, and General Motors). Chrysler is the world's 13th largest vehicle manufacturer as ranked by OICA in 2010.[30] Total Chrysler vehicle production was about 1.58 million that year. Yanase Co., Ltd. is currently the exclusive retailer of all imported Chrysler products (Chrysler, Jeep, Dodge) to Japanese consumers.


Lifetime powertrain warranty

In 2007, Chrysler began to offer vehicle lifetime powertrain warranty for the first registered owner or retail lessee.[31] The deal covered owner or lessee in U.S., Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands, for 2009 model year vehicles, and 2006, 2007 and 2008 model year vehicles purchased on or after July 26, 2007. Covered vehicles excluded SRT models, Diesel vehicles, Sprinter models, Ram Chassis Cab, Hybrid System components (including transmission), and certain fleet vehicles. The warranty is non-transferable.[32] After Chrysler's restructuring, the warranty program was replaced by five-year/100,000 mile transferrable warranty for 2010 or later vehicles.[33]

Let's Refuel America

In 2008, as a response to customer feedback citing the prospect of rising gas prices as a top concern, Chrysler launched the "Let's Refuel America" incentive campaign, which guaranteed new-car buyers a gasoline price of $2.99 for three years.[34] With the U.S. purchase of eligible Chrysler, Jeep and Dodge vehicles, customers could enroll in the program and receive a gas card that immediately lowers their gas price to $2.99 a gallon, and keeps it there for the three years.

Lancia co-branding

Chrysler plans for Lancia to codevelop products, with some vehicles being shared. Olivier Francois, Lancia's CEO, was appointed to the Chrysler division in October 2009. Francois plans to reestablish the Chrysler brand as an upscale brand.[35]

Ram trucks

From Oct 2009, Dodge's car and truck line were split into two, "Dodge" for cars, minivans and crossovers and "Ram" for light and medium duty trucks and other commercial-use vehicles.[36]
Calendar yearU.S. Chrysler sales %Chg/yr.

Imported From Detroit

In 2011, Chrysler unveiled their new "Imported From Detroit" campaign with ads featuring Detroit rapper Eminem, one of which aired during the Super Bowl. The campaign highlights the rejuvenation of the entire product lineup, which includes the new, redesigned and repackaged 2011 200 sedan and 200 convertible, the Chrysler 300 sedan and the Chrysler Town & Country minivan.[46][47] As part of the campaign, Chrysler sold a line of clothing items featuring the Monument to Joe Louis, with proceeds being funneled to Detroit-area charities, including the Boys and Girls Clubs of Southeast Michigan, Habitat for Humanity Detroit and the Marshal Mathers Foundation.[48] Following the Eminem ad, there was also an ad for Detriot Lions defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh driving a Chrysler 300 to Portland, Or., to visit his mother, an ad featuring Detroit-born fashion designer John Varvatos cruising through a shadowy Gotham while Kevin Yon's familiar baritone traces the designer's genesis.[49]
In March 2011, Chrysler Group LLC filed a lawsuit against Moda Group LLC (owner of Pure Detroit clothing retailer) for copying and selling merchandise with the "Imported from Detroit" slogan.[50] Chrysler claimed it had notified defendant of its pending trademark application February 14, but the defendant argued Chrysler had not secured a trademark for the "Imported From Detroit" phrase. On June 18, 2011, U.S. District Judge Arthur Tarnow ruled that Chrysler's request didn't show that it would suffer irreparable harm or that it had a strong likelihood of winning its case. Therefore Pure Detroit's owner, Detroit retailer Moda Group LLC, can continue selling its "Imported from Detroit" products. Tarnow also noted that Chrysler doesn't have a trademark on "Imported from Detroit" and rejected the automaker's argument that trademark law isn't applicable to the case.[51][52] In March 2012, Chrysler Group LLC and Pure Detroit agreed to a March 27 mediation to try to settle the lawsuit over the clothing company's use of "Imported from Detroit" slogan.[53] Pure Detroit stated that Chrysler has made false claims about the origins of three vehicles - Chrysler 200, Chrysler 300 and Chrysler Town & Country - none of which are built in Detroit. Pure Detroit also said that Chrysler's Imported From Detroit merchandise is not being made in Detroit.
In 2011, Eminem settled a lawsuit against Audi alleging the defendant had ripped off the Chrysler 300 Super Bowl commercial in the Audi A6 Avant ad.[54]

Half Time in America

Again in 2012, Chrysler advertised during the Super Bowl. Its two-minute February 5, 2012 Super Bowl XLVI advertisement was titled "Half Time in America". The ad drew the criticism of several leading U.S. conservatives, who suggested that its messaging implied that President Obama deserved a second term and, as such, was political payback for Obama's support for the federal bailout of the company.[55] Sergio Marchionne in a 60 Minutes interview with Steve Kroft said when asked to respond to the conservatives he stated "just to rectify the record I paid back the loans at 19.7% Interest. I don't think I committed to do to a commercial on top of that." and "was unnecessary and out of place".[56]


  • Engineered to the Power of Cars (1998–2001)
  • Drive & Love (2002-2004)
  • Inspiration comes standard (2004-2007)
  • Engineered Beautifully (2012-halfway of 2010)
  • Imported From Detroit (2012-current)

Product line

The Dodge Ram, one of Chrysler's best selling vehicles[41]
  • United States Chrysler — Passenger cars, minivan
  • United States Dodge — Passenger cars, minivan, crossover, and SUV
  • United States Ram — Trucks and commercial vehicles
  • United States Jeep — Off-road vehicles, SUVs and crossovers
  • United States MOPAR — Upscale versions of selected cars, trucks, and SUV's from Chrysler, Dodge, Ram, Jeep, and Fiat. (New for 2012) Also brand for dealer service and customer service operations.
  • United States SRT — High Performance. (2013 Viper will be badged as SRT Viper not Dodge Viper) (New for 2012)


  • Mopar — Replacement parts for Chrysler-built vehicles.
    • Mopar Performance, a subdivision providing performance aftermarket parts for Chrysler-built vehicles.

PHEV Research Center

Chrysler is in the Advisory Council of the PHEV Research Center.

Chrysler Uconnect Web

Chrysler LLC Uconnect Web is a system that brings wireless Internet connectivity to any Chrysler, Dodge, or Jeep vehicle, via a Wi-Fi "hot-spot". According to Chrysler LLC, the hotspot range will extend approximately 100 feet (30 m) from the vehicle in all directions, and will combine both Wi-Fi and 3G cellular connectivity. Uconnect is available on several current and was available on several discontinued Chrysler models including the Chrysler 300, Aspen, Sebring, Town and Country, Dodge Avenger, Caliber, Grand Caravan, Challenger, Charger, Journey, Nitro, and Ram.[57]


Fiat Auto plans to sell seven of its vehicles in the U.S. by 2014, while Fiat-controlled Chrysler Group is to supply nine models to sell under Fiat brands in the European market, according to a five-year plan rolled out on April 21, 2010 in Turin, Italy, by Fiat and Chrysler CEO Sergio Marchionne. At least five of the Fiat Auto models are expected to be marketed in the U.S. under its Alfa Romeo brand. Showing the level of integration envisioned, a product introduction timeline shows Chrysler-built compact and full-size SUVs going on sale in 2012 and 2014, respectively, in both European and North American markets.[58]

Environmental initiatives

Electric vehicles

The first electric vehicle produced by Chrysler was the 1992 Dodge EPIC concept minivan. In 1993, Chrysler began to sell a limited-production electric minivan called the TEVan; however, this minivan did not gain much popularity throughout its lifetime. In 1997, a second generation, called the EPIC, was released. It was discontinued after 1999.
Chrysler intended to pursue new drive concepts through ENVI, an in-house organization formed to focus on electric-drive vehicles and related technologies which was established in September 2007. In August 2009, Chrysler took US$70 million in grants from the U.S. Department of Energy to develop a test fleet of 220 hybrid pickup trucks and minivans. ENVI was disbanded by Nov 2009.[59]

Hybrid vehicles

The first hybrids of Chrysler, Chrysler Aspen hybrid and Dodge Durango hybrid, were discontinued a few months after production in 2008.[60]
Chrysler continues to develop The Dodge Ram hybrid.
Chrysler has also been experimenting with a Hybrid Diesel truck for military applications.

Special programs

During World War II, essentially all of Chrysler's facilities were devoted to building military vehicles (Note that the Jeep brand came much later after Chrysler acquired American Motors Corporation). The Chrysler tanks were far superior to Ford or General Motors tanks. They used five Plymouth flathead straight-6 engines in a radial design where the tank could keep going if one engine was disabled.[61] They were also designing V12 and V16 hemi-engines producing 2,500 hp (1,864 kW; 2,535 PS) for airplanes, but they did not make it into production as jets were developed and were seen as the future for air travel.[62]

Radar antennas

When the Radiation Laboratory at MIT was established in 1941 to develop microwave radars, one of the first projects resulted in the SCR-584, the most widely recognized radar system of the war era. This system included a parabolic antenna six feet in diameter that was mechanically aimed in a helical pattern (round and round as well as up and down).
One of Chrysler’s most significant contributions to the war effort, however, was not in the field of vehicles but in the radar field. For the final production design of this antenna and its highly complex drive mechanism, the Army’s Signal Corps Laboratories turned to Chrysler's Central Engineering Office. There, the parabola was changed from aluminum to steel, allowing production forming using standard automotive presses. To keep weight down, 6,000 equally spaced holes were drilled in the face (this had no effect on the radiation pattern). The drive mechanism was completely redesigned, using technology derived from Chrysler’s research in automotive gears and differentials. The changes resulted in improved performance, reduced weight, and easier maintenance. A large portion of the Dodge plant was used in building 1,500 of the SCR-584 antennas as well as the vans used in the systems.[63][64]


In April 1950, the U.S. Army established the Ordnance Guided Missile Center (OGMC) at Redstone Arsenal, adjacent to Huntsville, Alabama. To form OGMC, over 1,000 civilian and military personnel were transferred from Fort Bliss, Texas. Included was a group of German scientists and engineers led by Wernher von Braun; this group had been brought to America under Project Paperclip. OGMC designed the Army's first short-range ballistic missile, the PGM-11 Redstone, based on the WWII German V-2 missile. Chrysler established the Missile Division to serve as the Redstone prime contractor, setting up an engineering operation in Huntsville and for production obtaining use from the U.S. Navy of a large plant in Warren, Michigan. The Redstone was in active service from 1958 to 1964; it was also the first missile to test-launch a live nuclear weapon, first detonated in a 1958 test in the South Pacific.[65]
Working together, the Missile Division and von Braun's team greatly increased the capability of the Redstone, resulting in the PGM-19 Jupiter, a medium-range ballistic missile. In May 1959, a Jupiter missiles launched two small monkeys into space in a nose cone on a Jupiter; this was America's first successful flight and recovery of live space payloads. Responsibility for deploying Jupiter missiles was transferred from the Army to the Air Force; armed with nuclear warheads, they were first deployed in Italy and Turkey during the early 1960s.[66]

Space boosters

In July 1959, NASA chose the Redstone missile as the basis for the Mercury-Redstone Launch Vehicle to be used for suborbital test flights of the Project Mercury spacecraft. Three unmanned MLRV launch attempts were made between November 1960 and March 1961, two of which were successful. The MLRV successfully launched the chimpanzee Ham, and astronauts Alan Shepard and Gus Grissom on three suborbital flights in January, May and July 1961.
America's more ambitious manned space travel plans included the design of the Saturn series of heavy-lift launch vehicles by a team headed by Wernher von Braun. Chrysler's Huntsville operation, then designated the Space Division, became Marshall Space Flight Center’s prime contractor for the first stage of the Saturn I and Saturn IB versions. The design was based on a cluster of Redstone and Jupiter fuel tanks, and Chrysler built it for the Apollo program in the Michoud Assembly Facility in East New Orleans, one of the largest manufacturing plants in the world. Between October 1961 and July 1975, NASA used ten Saturn Is and nine Saturn IBs for suborbital and orbital flights, all of which were successful,[67] in fact Chrysler missiles and boosters never suffered a launch failure.


In 1998, Chrysler and its subsidiaries entered into a partnership dubbed a "merger of equals" with German-based Daimler-Benz AG, creating the combined entity DaimlerChrysler AG.[68] To the surprise of many stockholders, Daimler subsequently acquired Chrysler in a stock swap,[69] after the retirement of Chrysler CEO Bob Eaton. Under DaimlerChrysler, the company was named DaimlerChrysler Motors Company LLC, with its U.S. operations generally called the "Chrysler Group". On May 14, 2007, DaimlerChrysler announced the sale of 80.1% of Chrysler Group to American private equity firm Cerberus Capital Management, L.P., thereafter known as Chrysler LLC, although Daimler (renamed as Daimler AG) continued to hold a 19.9% stake.[70] The deal was finalized on August 3, 2007.[71] On April 27, 2009, Daimler AG signed a binding agreement to give up its remaining 19.9% stake in Chrysler LLC to Cerberus Capital Management and pay as much as $600 million into the automaker's pension fund.[72]
The sale of substantially all of Chrysler's assets to "New Chrysler", organized as Chrysler Group LLC was completed on June 10, 2009. The federal government provided support for the deal with US$6.6 billion in financing, which was paid to "Old Chrysler", and a newly formed company called Old Carco LLC took over the remaining assets and liabilities, which remained in Chapter 11 bankruptcy.[73] This transfer excluded eight manufacturing sites, the majority of real estate holdings, and equipment leases. Contracts with 789 dealers in the U.S. were also excluded.[74][75] On May 24, 2011, Chrysler repaid its $7.6 billion loans to the United States and Canadian governments.[76]

Discontinued brands

See also



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  64. ^ Colton, Roger B. (1947), Radar in the United States Army, 33, Proceedings of the I.R.E., pp. 740–753, retrieved April 28, 2012
  65. ^ Bullard, John W.; “History Of The Redstone Missile System,” Historical Monograph Project Number: AMC 23 M. Historical Division, Army Missile Command
  66. ^ Fact Sheet: Chrysler SM-78/PGM-19 Jupiter, National Museum of the U.S. Air Force;
  67. ^ Bilstein, Roger E.; Stages to Saturn: A Technological History of the Apollo/Saturn Launch Vehicles; NASA SP-4206, 1980, ISBN 0-16-048909-1;
  68. ^ "Chrysler History". JB car pages. Retrieved September 22, 2008.
  69. ^ "Company News; Daimler-Benz and Chrysler Revise Ratio for Stock Swap". The New York Times. June 9, 1998. Retrieved October 7, 2011.
  70. ^ ""Cerberus Takes Majority Interest in Chrysler Group and Related Financial Services Business for EUR 5.5 Billion ($7.4 billion)". DaimlerChrysler.[dead link]
  71. ^ "Cerberus gains control of Chrysler". San Jose Mercury News.[dead link]
  72. ^ "Daimler Reaches Agreement On Separation From Chrysler". April 27, 2009. Archived from the original on 2012-05-01.
  73. ^ Ramsey, Mike and Kary, Tiffany. "Chrysler Assets Said to Have Little Net Proceeds for Creditors", Bloomberg, 2012-06-23, retrieved July 10, 2009.
  74. ^ de la Mercel, Michael; Micheline Maynard (June 10, 2009). "Swift Overhaul Moves Ahead as Fiat Acquires Chrysler Assets". New York Times. Retrieved June 10, 2009.
  75. ^ Forden, Sara Gay; Mike Ramsey (June 10, 2009). "Fiat Said to Buy Chrysler Assets Today to Form New Automaker". Bloomberg. Retrieved April 30, 2012.
  76. ^ "Breaking: Chrysler repays the rest of its federal loans... are SUVs to thank?". Retrieved May 24, 2011.
  77. ^ Though the first Humber was produced in 1898, Chrysler bought the company in 1967 and stopped production of the Humber the next year.

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